Shri Vethathiri Maharishi – Common Man’s Philosopher, Thathuvagnani and a visionary spiritual leader was moved by the happenings of the Second World War. He, in fact, obtained training from St. John’s Ambulance to serve the people wounded in the war. Though with the atomic bombing, the war came to an end, but it had already caused immense misery and pain on (to) humanity. Having realised the Ultimate Truth and in the state of Spiritual Ecstasy, he saw how the entire humanity was reeling under the pain, misery,(and) hatred and destroying itself. It is this universal horror which made him do something to remove the tears from the face of humanity. This resulted in establishing the World Community Service Centre (“WCSC”) in 1958.

Birth and Early Childhood

1911 – Born on 14th August, in a poor weaver’s family as the 8th

1916 – Schooling and dropped out after 3 gears of formal
education due to the financial condition of the family.

  • Worked extensive hours in a loom to support family.
  • Comes in contact with his first Guru, A Balakrishnan.
  • After reading a book when he was 9 years. he stopped
    taking non-vegetarian food.
  • Attended night school to learn English. Tamil and

Job and Family

18 Years – Moved to Chennai.

  • Joined Postal Audit office.
  • Also, worked in a weaving firm. prepared and sold tooth
    powder. paan masala (beetle leaves) and took private
    tuitions to meet the expenses of the family
  • Met his Guru Vaidya Bhoopathg S.Krishna Rao
  • He learnt Ayurveda. Siddha and Homepahty from his 2nd Guru. He also learnt meditation and yogic practices from him
  • He became a Certified Medical Practitioner in all the three systems

22 Years – Lost his father
23 Years – Got married to Lokambal
27 Years – Moved to Goduvancheri, his native village to reduce the
growing family expenses.

Kundalini Yoga, Saint Ramalingar Vallalar glimpse and "Rags to Riches"

1944 – December 25th met the third Guru, Paranjothi Mahan
who formally initiated him into Kundalini Yoga.

1946 – 18th January, Resigned from job when his senior asked
him to do something illegal.

  • 42 Years – Experienced blissful darshan (glimpse) of
    Saint Ramalingar Vallalar on the night of a full moon
  • Next 10 years – Saint Ramalingar said that he will be
    with him for IO years and this should not be revealed.
    During this period. he wrote several ecstatic poems and
    came out with very profound concepts.
  • Business was successful – Supported over 2000
    families through it.
  • Innovative creations in Dyeing yielded great name and
  • Bought 2 cars, parcels of lands for Old Age homes. for
    poor children and to spread Spirituality.
  • Altruism was in his core – share his wealth with workers, progressive thinking

Voluntary "Riches to rags" & Foundation of "WCSC"

45 Years – Due to general economic crash. markets were shrinking. But he continued to pay his workers and support the
2000 dependent families even by taking huge loans
because he felt that he became rich because of them
and so cannot leave them in lurch in bad times.
Ultimately, he had to sell all his properties and became
a pauper. As a Caption of the ship. he was the last man
to leave it

1957 – The monthly magazine Anboli (Light of Love) was born.

1958 – 14h August, he founded The World Community Centre
amidst all tribulations.

1959 – Company went into insolvency. Starts living in a hut.

1960 – Dec 19th loans were paid back

Spreading Vethathiriyam

1962 – With 5 rupees Of investment. he started preparing and selling rice pudding to survive in the same village where he was a very rich man.

  • Develops a Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) system. a system which provides a holistic theory and Practice for health, happiness and Perfection of Consciousness.
  • He starts extensive Travel sojourns in Tamil Nadu.
  • Makes SKY available to people of all layers breaking the barriers of Religion, caste, social status and gender.
  • Expands SKY’s footprints in states outside Tamil Nadu.

Temple of Consciousness & Others

1971 – Travels extensively from 1971 to 1993 to North America,
Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Korea.

1983 – The International Head Quarters of WCSC was opened in
Chennai on 25-11-1983.

1984-  Temple of Consciousness work was started at Aliyar. It was completed on 8-2-1990.

1986 –  Maharishi Offers to the world the “World Order of Holistic Unity” or “Karma yoga” integrating all the religions as well as Science. Declares 01st January, 1986 as World Peace Day.
Beginning of a New Era: World Peace Year 1.

1990 –  Presents the concept of Universal and Biomagnetism

Steps towards World Peace & Women Empowerment

1993 – 11th November, established the “Women’s International
Spiritual Education Trust” (WISE Trust).

1995 – Propounds the theory of “Unified Force” or “Brahma
Gnanam” providing a unified theory of Transformation
of the Omni present, Omnipotent Total Consiousness.

1998 –  14th September, set up the “Brain Trust for International Unity, Prosperity and Peace”.

1999 –  10th October, was awarded the “For the sake of Honor” by the Rotary Club. 14th August, gave the Five-Fold culture to Humanity.

2000 – 14th August, gifted the world the 14-point Plan for World Peace, Vethathiriyum.

  • Awarded the “World Peace Award for Service in Science
    and Spirituality”.
  • In all. he has written about 80 books inTamil and English
    and more than 1800 Tamil poems.

World Congress on Peace and The Aliyar Declaration

10th – 13th August

  • World Congress on Global Vision and strategies for
    Peace, Non-violence and Harmony was held at Aliyar.
  • Handing over the Aliyar Declaration for World Peace to Mr. Feodor Starcevic, Director, United Nations Information
    Center, New Delhi.

World Congress on Peace and The Aliyar Declaration

March 2003 – It was held Government of India for interlinking the Riversof India in Aliyar, Coimbatore and addressed by Hon.
Minister Suresh Babu who was Chairman, Task Force for
Interlinking Of the Rivers.

Maharishi had analysed this issue and the need for it in
the first edition Of “World Peace”almost five decades
earlier which is another example of him being a visionary
social leader.


March 2006 at 12:20 PM – Maharishi completed his earthly life and left his physical body.